Friday, April 12, 2013

Are you a Successful Saint?

Are you a Successful Saint?

What is the secret to a gamblers success? Why do some people make money in the stock market and others lose millions of dollars in investments? How can some people who are overweight eventually lose the weight and look like a brand new person, while others who tried to lose it, will always carry that weight around?

Well to answer that question, let’s look at a story that the Apostle John told in the 6th chapter of his self titled book in the bible. It first communicated the miracle of the fish and loaves, and how Jesus fed 5,000 + people (v9-14). Second it speaks of the miracle of Jesus walking on water (v19-20). The next day, the people caught up to Jesus and wanted to see another miracle, better yet to encounter his power themselves, and then be able to perform their own miracles (v28). Jesus told them the only thing God wants from you is for you to believe in Me (the one He sent) v29.

He then gives them revelation (uncovering, a bringing to light what was originally in the dark) about who he is, and the ultimate commitment He and God would require of them (v41, 44, 54-4). Many of his followers weren’t willing to gamble any further on him being the “real thing” cause it would cost them to much; and from that point on they left his team (v60, 66). Jesus then asked his disciples (“the 12”) were they going to “cash out”, or putting it another way“quit while they’re ahead”, “chalk up their loses”, or “ride it out” with him? The apostle Peter responds, ”there’s no better investment out there, we’ve put too much time in with you and believe you can change us for the better if we continue to work the plan, the way you told us too; who else has the future (eternal life) and the present in the same hands ”!

Each day of our lives is a gamble? Whether we fly, drive, work, or eat out. Were trusting men we don’t know with our lives to take us where we can’t take ourselves. The secret to a gamblers success (you know I had to answer that question for you) is that he knows how to play his cards when in lack and when in plenty. He knows when to risk more and when to cash out. Keep investing in your faith (in Christ); it will reap you great dividends! Double down on God’s promises and keep working the plan, and you will see weights (problems, trials, and situations) fall off! Remember: Praise is your weapon, Prayer will change things, and Faith is the key that will unlock those closed doors!

Successful Saints are the ones who know who to go to and what to believe! 68 But Simon Peter answered Him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."[ John 6:67-69 (NKJV)

I don’t know about you, but I’m All In!

Pastor Kirkland A. Smith

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